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Fertility Products

Guided Fertility™ evaluated the preconception products on this page  based on the following criteria:

  1. FDA approval / FDA listed (Ovulation Prediction Devices, Sperm Test Kits)

  2. Third-party verification for strength, purity, and accuracy (Prenatal Vitamins)

  3. Quality combination of essential nutrients to promote sperm health (Mens Fertility Supplements)

  4. All products backed by and/or developed by fertility doctors

  5. Unbiased customer reviews (based on feedback not linked to the product website)


Based on extensive research, below are our top recommendations:

Fertility Prediction Devices

Ovulation Prediction

Mira Ovulation Monitor

$25 coupon with code GF333

Perks of Using Mira Max Starter Kit

  • Ideal for women suffering from PCOS or irregular cycles

  • Identifies ovulation and fertile window: enhances your chances of conception by pinpointing a wider date range to have intercourse

  • Tracks four (4) cycle hormones:

    1. FSH

    2. E3G (estrogen marker)

    3. LH

    4. PdG (progesterone marker)

  • Results synch to app: get hormones scores and highly accurate, personalized, information

Sperm Test Kit

Bird & Be At Home Sperm Test 

Bird and Be At Home Sperm Test Kit

What The Sperm Test Offers

  1. Convenient: Done at home with semen sample

  2. Private: results sent to your smartphone (Do not have to mail in sample).

  3. Quick: results in 20 minutes

  4. Provides the amount of sperm and how many are moving

  5. Video of your moving sperm, which can be shared with your doctor or kept private

  6. Two tests so can measure results after three months to see if supplements work

  7. FDA-approved and backed by doctors

Mens Supplement

Beli Prenatal Vitamins

Beli Men's Supplements

Following a good diet is essential when trying to get pregnant.  Most fertility nutritionists recommend a food-first approach when it comes to getting vital nutrients. However, adequate amounts of key nutrients, such as folate and Vitamin D, are had to obtain through food alone. Prenatal vitamins help supplement your diet with crucial added nutrition. The American Pregnancy Association recommends starting a prenatal vitamin at least three months to one year before having a baby.  Nutrient stores take anywhere between 2-6 months to adequately build up in your system. The Mayo Clinic states it is a good idea for women of reproductive age to take prenatal vitamin daily.

Male infertility accounts for 50% of infertility issues in couples. Prioritizing men's fertility health is a crucial aspect of family planning and ensuring a healthy start for future generations. Attempting to improve sperm parameters may enhance the chances of fertilization with IVF or natural conception.  By adopting a proactive approach towards their health, men can positively impact fertility outcomes and contribute to the overall well-being of their partners and children.  Men can improve their sperm parameters, including sperm count, movement, and shape, through multiple measures.  This includes incorporating a good exercise routine, eating nutrient-dense foods, and taking fertility-tailored supplements.

Many prenatal vitamins contain additional nutrients that can help promote fertility by:

  1. Improves egg quality

  2. Promotes embryo implantation

  3. Balances estrogen levels

Men’s fertility supplements are ideal for men who meet the following criteria:


1. Age 30 or over and trying to conceive

2. Trying for over six months

3. Supported by a fertility clinic

What the Beli Prenatal Offers

  1. High quality non-GMO ingredients

  2. Dairy-free and gluten-free

  3. Vegan friendly bioavailable (ready-to-absorb) ingredients

  4. Optimal doses to boost egg quality, embryo development, hormone regulation:

  • Vitamins B6, B12:  promotes ovulation

  • Vitamin C: may reduce chance of miscarriage

  • Vitamin D: supports embryo implantation

  • Vitamin E: boosts egg quality, balances estrogen, and promotes healthy endometrial lining

  • Vitamin K2: assists in estrogen and progesterone production

  • Methyl Folate: absorbable form of folic acid, improves egg quality, and increases chances of conception

  • Chromium: improves fertility in women with PCOS

  • Zinc: supports reproductive hormones

  • Choline: ideal dose for neural tube development

Beli Vitality Multivitamin for Men

BeliMen vitality supplement

What BeliMen Vitality Offers:

Key ingredients in optimal doses that improve sperm parameters:

  1. Fertility booster with Shilajit, CoQ10, and Folate

  2. ​Improves sperm motility with Vitamin C, zinc and N-acetyl-L-cysteine ​

  3. Promotes optimal sperm count with Vitamin B12 and L-Taurine

  4. Optimizes sperm and egg fusion with Vitamin D and Vitamin E

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Guided Fertility™ encourages you to follow the medical advice of your physician.  We are not in a position to diagnose, treat, or prescribe.  Our services are intended for education, health promotion, and emotional support. 

© 2024 by Guided Fertility, ™, LLC

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